
Dewi Rachmawati
Etika Ma'rifatul Ulum
Tri Cahyo Septdianto


Stroke is a major cause of death and disability with a disease burden that has doubled in
Indonesia. The high rate of disability prolongs treatment time and bed rest so that the risk of
decubitus sores is high if 24-48 hours post attack is not immediately carried out early
mobilization. Objective this study to describe prevention of pressure ulcer hemorrhagic stroke
patient on 24-hour post attack. This case study uses a nursing care approach. The subjects were
hemorrhagic stroke patients on 24-hour post attack and their families with decubitus risk nursing
problems. Data collection uses interviews, observation, physical examination, and assessment of
the risk of decubitus with Norton scale. Nursing actions are carried out giving bed
mobilization/transfer every 2 hours and skin massage in the depressed area. The results of the
study show administration of bed rest/mobilization every 2 hours and administration of skin
massage in the depressed area proved effective in reducing the risk of decubitus as evidenced by
the increase in Norton scale scores. It is expected that nurses/families apply bed rest/mobilization
every 2 hours and skin massage in depressed areas as early as possible for pressure sores


How to Cite
Rachmawati D, Ulum EM, Septdianto TC. PENCEGAHAN DEKUBITUS PASIEN STROKE HEMORRHAGIC SETELAH 24 JAM SERANGAN DI STROKE CENTER RSUD NGUDI WALUYO WLINGI. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 May 15];7(2):118-27. Available from:


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