Cardiorespiratory Endurance on College Student Smokers Using Harvard Step Test


Rismia Agustina


Purpose: The aim of this research was to identify the score of Harvard Step Test as indicator of
cardiorespiratory endurance on college student smokers. Method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional
study. There were 40 samples who met inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected using purposive
sampling. The instruments of this study were questionnaire, metronome, stop watch, and 19 inches bench.
Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The results showed that 47,5% of subjects had poor
level, 42,5% had average level, and 10% had good level of Harvard step test. On average, 65% of subjects
were light smokers, 87,5% were filtered cigarette smokers, and 65% had been smoking for 2-5 years.
Conclusion: It can be concluded nearly half of college student smokers had poor Harvard step test score as
indicator of cardiorespiratory endurance.


How to Cite
Agustina R. Cardiorespiratory Endurance on College Student Smokers Using Harvard Step Test. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 17 [cited 2024 May 15];8(1):44-7. Available from:


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