Pengaruh Diabetes Self Management Education And Support (DSME/S) Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Manajemen Mandiri Pasien Dm Tipe 2


Chairunnisa Mei Yuni
Noor Diani
Ichsan Rizany


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic complex disease that requires medical care, self management
education and ongoing support to prevent complications. Health education is one of steps to
increase knowledge and skills of diabetes management independently to avoid the complication of
DM, one of them is Diabetes Self Management Education and Support (DSME/S). The aim of this
study was to determine the effect of DSME/S on increasing the independent management of
knowledge of patients with type 2 DM. This study use pre experimental method with one group
pretest-posttest design. There were 30 patients with type 2 DM at Idaman Kota Banjarbaru
Hospital on March-April 2018. This study used consecutive sampling technique. Follow up was
conducted after intervention on the third day. The instruments were module, demographic
questionnaire and DM knowledge questionnaire. Based on Paired t test results, there is an effect of
DSME/S on increasing the independent management ofknowledge of patients with type 2 DM was
0.0001 (p<α; α=0.005), with an increase of 15.97%. DSME/S is effective on improving knowledge
of patient with type 2 DM, so it can be given to patients with type 2 DM as self-management
education to prevent complications.


How to Cite
Yuni CM, Diani N, Rizany I. Pengaruh Diabetes Self Management Education And Support (DSME/S) Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Manajemen Mandiri Pasien Dm Tipe 2. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 17 [cited 2024 May 17];8(1):17-25. Available from:


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