The Effect of Family Psychoeducation on Social Support among Congestive Heart Failure Patients


Susanti Niman
Achir Yani S Hamid
Ice Yulia W


The prevalence of CHF is increasing every year. The impact of a psychosocial condition requiring
comprehensive treatment for CHF in all aspects. One contributing factor to success is the involvement of
the family. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the differences of social support towards clients with
CHF who were receiving family psychoeducation. Method: This study used a Quasi -experimental prepost test without a control group”. A sample of 25 respondents and sample retrieval techniques with a
purposive sampling procedure. The instrument used was an ISSB questionnaire for measuring social
support. The intervention group was provided with family psychoeducation that performed 5 sessions.
Result and conclusion: The finding this study showed was a significant change before and after the family
support family psychoeducation (p-value 0.00<α). Characteristics of the family and the client is not
associated with social support. Family psychoeducation research way recommended developed in a public


How to Cite
Niman S, Hamid AYS, Yulia W I. The Effect of Family Psychoeducation on Social Support among Congestive Heart Failure Patients. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 17 [cited 2024 May 17];8(1):9-16. Available from:


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