
Eka Santi
Eka Santi


Stimulation of the development of eating is an activity that enhances the ability of children to
behavior when eating. The practice of feeding is strongly influenced by the mother's role,
particularly in children toddler who develop their independence, one of which is eaten. Mother
ability stimulating the benchmark eating behavior in children. Quasy experiment with sample 21
respondents mothers who have toddler with difficult feeding in Puskesmas North Banjarbaru
through purposive sampling technique and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test is used in this study. The
result showed increase the mother's ability stimulating the development of eating between first
and second observation with p value = 0.025 into p value = 0.014. However, at the components
of health belief model does not give effect to the mother's ability. Perceived vulnerability p =
0.317; perceived seriousness p = 0.564, perceived barrier p = 0.157 and perceived benefit p =
1.000. Early detection oral motor development should include the part ofchild development.


How to Cite
Santi E, Santi E. PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN IBU MELAKUKAN STIMULASI PERKEMBANGAN MAKAN TODDLER PICKY EATER. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 May 19];4(2):71-8. Available from:


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