
Eka Saraditha Safitri
Devi Rahmayanti


Diarrhea is one of symptom that causes death and has the highest morbidity rate in Indonesia,
especially for children under five years of age. South Kalimantan in 2011 there were 66,765
cases of diarrheal disease. One of the areas in South Kalimantan, namely the Banjar Regency in
2010 to the highest regions of the occurrence of diarrheal disease with 3,077 cases. Diarrhea can
be prevented by application of a clean and health behavior order household. Research studies are
cross-sectional correlation fringes of society river as much as 82 respondents in cluster sampling
and measurement tools using a questionnaire. There are 82 respondent in total, the predominant
result was 42.7% of respondents have passable clean and healthy living behavior and 13.4% of
respondents have bad clean and healthy living behaviour which is not dominant. The worse the
implementation of clean and healthy behavior of household, it will be easier for family members
in house for suffering diarrheal disease including the toddler.


How to Cite
Safitri ES, Rahmayanti D, Herawati. PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT RUMAH TANGGA DENGAN KEJADIAN DIARE PADA BALITA PINGGIRAN SUNGAI. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 May 19];5(1):78-83. Available from:


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