
Yuniar Rahmina
Abdurahman Wahid
Rismia Agustina


The average time of arrival of the patient is exceeded golden hour (8.9 hours).The level of
education is one factor that leads to delays in stroke patients arrive at the hospital. The aim of
this study to determine correlation between education towards golden hour stroke patients in
hospitals Ulin Banjarmasin. This study used cross sectional descriptive analytic with accidental
sampling technique in 30 families of stroke patients in hospitals Ulin Banjarmasin. The study was
conducted from November to Desember, 2016 with the interview. Analyze result obtained the
value of significance (2-tailed amounted to 0.773> 0.05 means that H0 is accepted, so there is no
significant relationship between the level of education with the golden hour (p = 0.773). This
indicates that the level of education is not related to the golden hour of stroke patients in
hospitals Ulin Banjarmasin.


How to Cite
Rahmina Y, Wahid A, Agustina R. TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN KELUARGA TERHADAP GOLDEN HOUR PASIEN STROKE DI RSUD ULIN BANJARMASIN. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 May 19];5(1):68-77. Available from: https://jdk.ulm.ac.id/index.php/jdk/article/view/452


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