
Yustina Kristianingsih


Satisfaction to health services is influenced by several factors such as the physical facility and
healthcare environments, system agreements including waiting time, waiting, as well as the scope
and nature of the health services provided advantages. The phenomenon in the community of
users still complain BPJS poor service, slow handling, the complexity of procedures to obtain
services. The purpose of this study to identify factors that affect user satisfaction BPJS.The study
used discriptive desing with a sample of 74 respondents BPJS users in RW 05 Sawunggaling
Wonokromo Surabaya with Simple Random Sampling. The variables in this study are the factors
that affect user satisfaction BPJS.The result of this study showed the majority (97.3%) of
respondents said the service factor is the factor most affecting user satisfaction BPJS. Important
if BPJS improve management of administrative arrangements to be online, improve the data base
as well as convenience to the terms in the care of membership BPJS order to increase level


How to Cite
Kristianingsih Y. FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMENGARUHI KEPUASAN PENGGUNA BPJS. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 May 19];5(1):56-60. Available from: https://jdk.ulm.ac.id/index.php/jdk/article/view/450


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