
Ichsan Rizany
Rr Tutik Sri Hariyati


The incidence of mortality in ICU was still very high. Critical Patients in ICU required a complex
care. Conditions of complex care required the trained and competent nurses but deployment of
personnel was still a constraint. The Utilization of tele-ICU have an chance to reduce mortality in
patients. The purpose of this paper is to guide the use of Tele-ICU. The method used is literature
review. Literature used from 2010 - 2017 such as journal and article. Tele-ICU is a technology
facility that Provides long-range interactions by health workers to get the Data and conditions of
ICU Patients Directly from the bedside. Communication in the tele-ICU is done through audio
and video technology at the patient's bedside. Tele-ICU Provides a benefit to Patients, nurses and
doctors. Utilization of tele-ICU have a key role in optimizing the quality of nursing care received
by Patients in accordance with the arrangements and the right destination. Utilization of teleICU needs the support of top managers. The managers must perform properly management
function to build a tele-ICU.


How to Cite
Rizany I, Hariyati RTS. TELE-ICU BERMANFAAT DALAM PENCAPAIAN PELAYANAN BERKUALITAS. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 May 19];5(1):11-20. Available from:


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