
Yunita Wahyu Wulansari
Yuyun Yueniwati Prabowowati Wadjib
Tony Suharsono


The number of bystander CPR as the first helper of out ofhospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is still
low in various countries. The effort that can be done is by providing CPR training in the
community. This study aims to analyze the influence of learning media with fabel animation video
(VAF) to knowledge about CPR. This true experimental study with randomized subject, pretestposttest control group design have been done on 120 respondents divided into 2 groups that is
VAF and module with three times measurement in SDN Kampungdalem 3 and 4 Kota Kediri. The
result of this study indicate that in both groups has a significant influence on knowledge (p =
0,000). Significant differences between VAF and module are on after and one week after CPR
training. This suggest that CPR training using VAF provides more effective than module on CPR
knowledge in children.


How to Cite
Wulansari YW, Wadjib YYP, Suharsono T. PENGARUH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN VAF TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN ANAK USIA SEKOLAH TENTANG RJP DI SDN KAMPUNGDALEM 3 DAN 4 KOTA KEDIRI. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 May 19];5(2):129-36. Available from:


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