
Endang Pertiwiwati


The position of the committee is in structure by the functional role of the organization whose
purpose was to collected, formulated, and communicated the opinions and ideas of the nurse.
The purpose of the study was to analyzed the optimization of the role of nursing committee
toward the improvement of nursing service quality at the inpatient of Ulin Banjarmasin General
Hospital. The research method was analytical descriptive with cross sectional approached. The
samples in this research were all nurses who served in Inpatient at Ulin Banjarmasin general
hospital. The sample technique using Simple Random Sampling method. the number of samples
were 92 people. The result of this research is Role of nursing committee in nursing service in
RSUD ULIN Banjarmasin shows that 79 respondent or 85,9% is categorized its role optimally.
Quality of Nursing Service in RSUD Banjarmasin as many as 70 respondents or 76.1%,
categorized well. Result of analysis of relationship of optimization of nursing committee role to
improvement of quality of nursing service in ulin general hospital of Banjarmasin (p value =
0,043 <0.05). Optimizing the role of the nursing committee can affect the quality improvement of
nursing services provided to the patient by maintaining the competence and accepting the
responsibilities ofevery action and decision made.


How to Cite
Pertiwiwati E, Alfianur. PERAN KOMITE KEPERAWATAN TERHADAP PENINGKATAN MUTU PELAYANAN KEPERAWATAN. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 27 [cited 2024 May 19];6(1):57-62. Available from:


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