
Khairir Rizani
Rinne Agisti


Fatigue of nurses that not resolved would cause various problems. This research aims to
assess the comparative level of nurse fatigue in intensive care unit of idaman banjarbaru
hospital and ratu zalecha martapura hospital. This research used comparative. The
population of this research were nurses of ICU in Idaman Banjarbaru Hospital as many
as 15 people and nurses of ICU Ratu Zalecha Martapura Hospital as many as 16 people,
the data presented by cluster sampling; analyzed with the Mann-Whitney test. This study
showed difference difference between level of fatigue of both hospital. The majority of
nurses fatigue in ICU RSD Idaman Banjarbaru has light fatigue while the majority of
nurses in ICU Ratu Zalecha Martapura had mild fatigue with P Value 0.015. For
hospital management must to assess the suitability of the number of nurses and
workloads to improve the service.


How to Cite
Hammad, Rizani K, Agisti R. TINGKAT KELELAHAN PERAWAT DI RUANG ICU. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 27 [cited 2024 May 19];6(1):27-33. Available from: https://jdk.ulm.ac.id/index.php/jdk/article/view/426


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