
Muhammad Arsyad
Eka Santi
Emmelia Astika F. Damayanti


LBW neonates have a proportion of 20% of all infant birth rates in the world and often
experience stress that is manifested by increased heart rate and respiration and decreased oxygen
saturation. Stimulation therapy is needed that can support growth and development. Sound
therapy can provide peace for the neonate, so far there is no known sound effect of sholawat for
LBW neonates. This study aims to look at the sound effect of sholawat on heart rate, respiration
and oxygen saturation in LBW neonates. The research method using Pre Experimental One
Group Pre-Post Test Design was carried out on 15 infants treated at the NICU and used
purposive sampling technique from October to December 2018. The instruments used by MP3s
containing the sound were Simtubdhurar prayer 40 minutes of playing through speakers with
maximum sound get to the subject of 60 decibels measured by a sound level meter. The mean
heart rate and respiration after receiving treatment showed a decrease and increase in oxygen
saturation. There was a significant decrease in pulse (Sig. (2-tailed)= 0.001) and respiration
(Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)= 0.009) and increased oxygen saturation (Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)= 0.004)
on the third day of treatment. The sound of prayer has an influence on pulse, respiration and
oxygen saturation in LBW neonates. Sholawat sounds can be a choice of complementary
therapies while undergoing treatment in the NICU room.


How to Cite
Arsyad M, Santi E, Damayanti EAF. SUARA SHOLAWAT SIMTUBDHURAR TERHADAP RESPIRASI, DENYUT JANTUNG DAN SATURASI OKSIGEN PADA NEONATUS BBLR. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 24 [cited 2024 May 22];7(1):62-70. Available from:


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