
Rizkiyani Istifada
Etty Rekawati


Hypertension have been a trend of urban health problems. One of prevention hypertension’s
complications is to assist in families by community health workers. Community health nurses
have a role to provide community health workers assistance and supervision. The partnership do
implementation between nurse and community health worker to manage the Health City’s
program in Indonesia. However, the phenomenon occurring in Indonesia shows a lack of support
given for community health workers to be involved in implementing health promotion. This
literature review describes the involvement of community health workers to prevention of
complications of hypertension in the community. This study uses the literature review method by
using search on online database in Cambridge Core e-resources, Wiley Online, and
ScienceDirect with the publication period of articles from 2008-2018. The result of literature search show 15 articles that focused on the role of community health workers to prevention of
hypertensive complications. The studies show that the community health worker have been
effective to prevent hypertension’s complications. The involvement of community health workers
can be done by providing self-management assistance to improve healthy lifestyle, such as
motivating physical activities and limiting salt consumption. In general, the chosen community
health workers are women, willing to be involved in health promotion efforts, and be able to
communicate and make a report. The ability of community health nurses is needed to provide and
maximize community empowerment. 


How to Cite
Istifada R, Rekawati E. PERAN KADER KESEHATAN DALAM PROMOSI PENCEGAHAN KOMPLIKASI HIPERTENSI DI WILAYAH PERKOTAAN: LITERATUR REVIEW. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 24 [cited 2024 May 9];7(1):28-40. Available from:


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