
Elfira Husna


Nursing care focuses on caring. Nurse As a professional health professional, providing services
must be based on a holistic function, covering all aspects of biology, psychology, sociology and
spirituality. nurses provide caring services, so nurses are required to be able to meet client needs
both in healthy, sick, and critical conditions. Critical clients in addition to requiring appropriate
and fast action, also can not be separated from caring needs and spiritual aspects, because in
critical conditions usually clients and families are in a state of resignation and require different
actions compared to clients who are in stable condition. Critical conditions require inner calm
and closeness to the God, both for patients and families to be able to go through critical
conditions in a good way. This research is a qualitative research using a phenomenological
approach. The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of nurses in providing caring
and meeting the spiritual needs of critical patients. Participants in this study were 11 nurses who
worked in the ICU with a minimum of 1 year experience in the ICU. The data were analyzed
using a seven-stage collaizi technique so as to produce four research themes, namely: 1) serving
wholeheartedly, 2) improving patient recovery, 3) impact on nurses, 4) nurse expectations for
critical patient care. 


How to Cite
Husna E, Betty. PENERAPAN CARING DAN SPIRITUAL PERAWAT PADA PASIEN KRITIS DI RUANG ICU. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 24 [cited 2024 May 21];7(1):21-7. Available from:


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