
Noor Diani
Paula Paulina
Elyana Fadiah
Siti Nurjanah
Winda Permatasari


Management of foot ulcers is one of them by ensuring an adequate blood supply that can be seen
from the ABI value and caring for local injuries that can be seen from the MUNGS Score for the
prevention of worsening and repair of wounds in people with DM. This study aims to describe the
ABI value and the characteristics of the injury based on the instrument to study the MUNGS
injury for diabetics with diabetic wounds. This research method in the form of quantitative
description through interviews with guidelines. The sampling technique was accidental sampling
and the sample size was 32 patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with diabetic
ulcers. The results of this study indicate that the ABI score in diabetes mellitus respondents with
diabetic ulcers has a mild score of 19 people (59%) and a wound assessment score (MUNGS) of
the moderate category (6-10) of 17 people (53%). The higher the MUNGS value and the ABI
value is far from normal, the injury condition is bad, and the lower the score and the ABI value is
close to normal, the better the wound condition.


How to Cite
Dahlia, Diani N, Hussani, Paulina P, Makmun, Efriliana, Fadiah E, Nurjanah S, Permatasari W. GAMBARAN KARAKTERISTIK LUKA BERDASARKAN SKOR MUNGS DAN ANKLE BRAKHIAL INDEKS (ABI) PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS DENGAN ULKUS DIABETIK. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 May 11];7(2):134-41. Available from:


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