
Ridlo Cahya Ilhami
Retno Purwandari
Alfid Tri Afandi


Learning process in university must be conducted with the principle of Student Centered Learning (SCL). SCL
has several components that could influence the implementation of SCL. The purpose of this study was to
identify the implementation of SCL in Nursing Faculty of Jember University. This study used a descriptive
exploratory design with purposive sampling technique on 26 lecturers and stratified sampling techniques for 260
students. The results showed that the implementation of SCL to lecturers reached 81.7% (from a maximum value
of 33) and the implementation of SCL to students reached 80.19% (from a maximum of 36). This shows the
implementation of SCL in terms of students and lecturers having a good score. The lowest score for lecturers
was the class condition (68.4%) and the lowest value for students was the teaching material (71%). Lack of
facilities could have an impact on the disruption of the learning process using SCL so that students and lecturers
did not get maximum results. Institutions are expected to be able to renew their collection of books and class
conditions can be further optimized by reducing the number of students to 25 students in each class.


How to Cite
Ilhami RC, Purwandari R, Afandi AT. PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING (SCL) DI FAKULTAS KEPERAWATAN UNIVERSITAS JEMBER. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 May 9];7(2):106-17. Available from:


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