Penerapan SPO Pelaksanaan Asuhan Keperawatan di Ruang Sub Instalasi Rawat Inap X Rumah Sakit Militer Jakarta: Pilot Study


putri Nilasari
Rr Tutik Sri Hariyati
Siti Anisah


Holistic nursing care is care that should be given by a nurse. However, it is known that nurses have missed one
of several activities in nursing care. This study aims to describe the implementation of nursing care in the
inpatient ward A Military Hospital in Jakarta. The method used is a pilot study through 23 medical record
documents, observations, and interviews with patients and families. The stage begins with the initial
assessment, fishbone analysis, PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Action), implementation and evaluation. The
implementation is in the form of SPO drafting and form optimization, outreach, mentoring, and roleplay videos.
The results of the study showed there was improvement in the process of evaluating nursing care reaching
78.26%. While nursing actions showed a significant increase in meeting bathing needs reaching 75%, ROM
reaching 70%, sitting in a wheelchair, and dangling reaching 100%. Success is influenced by material
resources in the form of SPO and support and the role of the nurse manager. The recommendations of this
study can be the basis for optimizing the implementation of nursing care in hospitals.


How to Cite
Nilasari putri, Hariyati RTS, Anisah S. Penerapan SPO Pelaksanaan Asuhan Keperawatan di Ruang Sub Instalasi Rawat Inap X Rumah Sakit Militer Jakarta: Pilot Study. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 16 [cited 2024 May 9];8(2):178-8. Available from:


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