Hubungan Persepsi Visual Gambar Bahaya Merokok pada Bungkus Rokok dengan Perilaku Merokok Remaja Laki-laki di SMK X Banjarbaru


Anggelia Nurlikasari
Kurnia Rachmawati
Devi Rahmayanti


Smoking is a behavior that can make the appearance of various kinds of health disorders because cigarettes
contain harmful ingredients. Smoking habits carried out by adolescents should be preventable and the need for
supporting factors that can direct adolescents not to smoke. One of them is by the government's efforts by
including a picture of a health warning on a cigarette wrapper. This government's efforts aim to provide
information about the impact of smoking. Smoking habits carried out by teenagers are quite high and this can
be due to the views and perceptions believed about cigarettes. Perception can affect a person so that it can
reflect behavior. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship of visual perception of images of the
dangers of smoking on cigarette packs with the smoking behavior of adolescent boys at SMK X Banjarbaru.
Non-experimental methods with correlational analytic design with cross sectional approach and probability
sampling technique with proportionate stratified random sampling type were used in this study. This study
amounted 125 students as samples and samples will fill out the questionnaires that have been provided. The
Chi-square test is used to analyze data. The results of the study (p-value= 0.005 <=0.05) which means there
is a visual perception of the dangers of smoking in cigarette packs with the smoking behavior of teenage boys in
SMK X Banjarbaru. Smoking behavior in adolescents can be prevented and controlled with a positive
perception of the image contained in cigarette packs


How to Cite
Nurlikasari A, Rachmawati K, Rahmayanti D. Hubungan Persepsi Visual Gambar Bahaya Merokok pada Bungkus Rokok dengan Perilaku Merokok Remaja Laki-laki di SMK X Banjarbaru. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 14 [cited 2024 May 20];9(1):152-60. Available from:


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