Evaluasi Program One Muhammadiyah One Response (OMOR) Dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Alam: Sebuah Studi Observasi di Kabupaten Magelang Indonesia


ABS Margono
Muhammad Khoirul Amin
Estrin Handayani


Indonesia is a region where natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods,
landslides, and others have potentially happened. Natural disasters that occur in Indonesia generally have
caused facilities, material losses, and psychological impacts. Muhammadiyah Central Management Disaster
Management Agency has an English term "Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center" or abbreviated as
MDMC. MDMC is engaged in disaster management activities by the definition of disaster management
activities both in mitigation and readiness also in emergency response and rehabilitation activities. MDMC
adopts an international code of humanitarian volunteerism and humanitarian charter to develop disaster risk
reduction missions in line with the Framework for Action and develops a base of preparedness at the
community, school, and hospital levels since 100 years ago. This research was conducted in the District of
Magelang and was carried out using a descriptive quantitative approach and action research by carrying out
a literature study, survey, desk analysis, exploration; Instrument Development & Preliminary Research; Data
Collection and Identification of Problems; FGD (Focus Group Discussion); Policy identification and
formulation of the role of Muhammadiyah. This study was able to evaluate the implementation of the OMOR
program in Magelang regency which is not yet maximally satisfactory. From the contextt evaluation variable
43% of the planning, documents were illustrated, 42.8% of the input variables were specifically carried out in
the program, and 34.2% of the process variables were implemented according to plan and 44.4% of the output
product variables completed program reports entirely. In this OMOR program in planning, implementing, and


How to Cite
Margono A, Amin MK, Handayani E. Evaluasi Program One Muhammadiyah One Response (OMOR) Dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Alam: Sebuah Studi Observasi di Kabupaten Magelang Indonesia. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 10 [cited 2024 May 20];9(2):161-8. Available from: https://jdk.ulm.ac.id/index.php/jdk/article/view/287


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