Karakteristik Pasien Diabetes Melitus dengan Pengetahuan Tentang Hipoglikemia


Rika Divianty
Noor Diani
Tina Handayani Nasution


Diabetes mellitus is a problem that can cause short-term complications, one of them is hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemia is a complicating factor for achieving normal blood glucose levels. To avoid the complications
of good hypoglycemia, adequate knowledge is needed so that sufferers can prevent complications. This study
analyzed the correlation between characteristics of patients with diabetes mellitus through knowledge about
hypoglycemia at Cempaka Inpatient Community Health Center with cross sectional approach. The sampling
technique was consecutive sampling with a total sampling of 64 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Data were
analyzed by using Chi Square test. The results also showed that most patients with diabetes mellitus associated
with knowledge about age hypoglycemia (p-value = 0.017), length of suffering (p-value = 0.020), education (pvalue = 0.042), and those not related to sex (p-value = 0.149), and occupation (p-value = 0.380).
Characteristics of diabetes mellitus patients become a support for knowledge about hypoglycemia because of
these characteristics are expected to achieve an understanding of the actions to be taken in an effort to improve
the complications of hypoglycemia


How to Cite
Divianty R, Diani N, Nasution TH. Karakteristik Pasien Diabetes Melitus dengan Pengetahuan Tentang Hipoglikemia. jdk [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 May 19];9(3):443-53. Available from: https://jdk.ulm.ac.id/index.php/jdk/article/view/284


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