Pelaksanaan Toilet Training Pada Anak Autism Spectrum Disorder Melalui Dukungan Keluarga Di Kota Bandung


Septian Andriyani
Linda Amalia


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder in children which is characterized by poor
social communication, persistent social interaction, and repetitive patterns of behavior and activities. It is
very important to be trained to be independent in carrying out daily activities including toilet training.
Toilet training is one of the developmental tasks that need to be achieved by every child and requires
attention from parents in training the ability to urinate and defecate. The purpose of this study was to
identify and explore in depth the implementation of toilet training for children with autism spectrum
disorders through family support. The research design used is quantitative and qualitative research
methods (mixed methods). The quantitative sampling technique used a total sampling of 50 parents who
had ASD children. In the process of collecting qualitative data, it was carried out through an in-depth
interview process to 5 participants. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and interview
guidelines. The data were analyzed using the Collaizi approach. The results show that family support had
an average value of 76.64 (95% CI 73.72-79.56) with the lowest value 54 and the highest 98. The results of
the interview obtained 7 themes, namely the importance of being taught toilet training, a sign of the child's
desire when BAK /CHAPTER, readiness of children to be trained, readiness of parents, toilet training
process, family attention, and feelings of parents when children are trained. With the right family support,
the implementation of toilet training can run well.


How to Cite
Andriyani S, Amalia L. Pelaksanaan Toilet Training Pada Anak Autism Spectrum Disorder Melalui Dukungan Keluarga Di Kota Bandung. jdk [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 May 19];9(3):476-8. Available from:


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