Prinsip Enam Benar dalam Pemberian Obat Pasien di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Kabupaten Jember


Bagus Pria Utama
Retno Purwandari
Dicky Endrian Kurniawan


Applying the principle of six correct administration of drugs by nurses is one of the preventive
implementations of patient safety. It can guarantee the safety of treatment for patients, reduce medication
errors, and avoid giving the wrong medication to patients in the hospital. This study aimed to explore the
principle of six correct drug administration implementation by nurses in the hospital. A descriptive method
approach was used. This study was conducted in two general hospitals in Jember and followed by 75 inpatient
ward nurses through the total sampling technique. The results of this study showed that the modus value of
the implementation of the six-correct principles is 125, the data position is in the middle position of the
dispersion, which means the implementation of the principle of six correct by nurse approaching the
maximum value. The data also showed that the nurses still did not entirely implement the principle of six
correct in drug administration. Nurse managers can enhance the implementation of the principle of six by
nurses through supervision activities. In addition, it is necessary to have an evaluation conducted by the
hospital patient safety commission on the implementation of the principle of six correct drug administrations
by inpatient ward nurses


How to Cite
Utama BP, Purwandari R, Kurniawan DE. Prinsip Enam Benar dalam Pemberian Obat Pasien di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Kabupaten Jember. jdk [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 May 19];9(3):454-6. Available from:


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