Analysis of Infrastructure for Covid-19 Patient Satisfaction at RSDI Banjarbaru City


Rahimul Yakin
Ichsan Rizany
Robiatul Adawiyah
M.Khairul Fikri


Patient satisfaction is a condition of fulfilling the wishes, expectations and needs of patients. Bases on data
from March 2020 to March 2021, there was an increase in patients returning home at their own request by
3% and the lack of fulfillement of patient satisfaction values which were still below 90%. The aim of this
study is to evaluate Infrastructure and compliance of covid-19 patients. The study desing used was cross
sectional, whit a consecutive sampling and a sample size of 120 covid-19 patients. Data were analyzed using
the spearman rank rest. Data collection was carried out from June 2021 to August 2021. The result of the
study found that there was a relationship between phycsical facility and satisfaction with p value 0,001 and r
0,498. The better infrastructure provide, the higher pastient satisfaction


How to Cite
Yakin R, Rizany I, Adawiyah R, Fikri M, Azhar. Analysis of Infrastructure for Covid-19 Patient Satisfaction at RSDI Banjarbaru City. jdk [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 9 [cited 2024 Apr. 28];9(3):326-33. Available from:


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