Dunia Keperawatan (DK) is a nursing and health journal published by the School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. The journal receives manuscripts with a particular emphasis on the important nursing and health in wetland area. Topics also cover the field of nursing and health science in general, related fields such as psychology, health education, and also from research and literature studies.
The writings can be published in this journal including research reports, case study, and scientific papers. Published every 3 (three) times a year, on March, July, and November.
Dunia Keperawatan published in the printed version and the electronic version with ISSN numbers as follows:
e-ISSN : 2541-5980
p-ISSN : 2337-8212
Journal History
- Dunia Keperawatan is a nursing and health journal published by school of nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat twice a year in March and September.
- This journal contains writings taken from the results of research and literature studies in the field of nursing and health.
- Dunia keperawtan was first published in March 2013 (paper publication)
- The 1st Editor in Chief was Ns. Emmelia Astika F (2013 to 2015 period).
- The 2nd Editor-in-Chief was Ns. Mutia Rahmah (2015 to 2017 period). We started to published in online with URL website: https://ppjp.ulm.ac.id/journal/index.php/JDK under PPJP (Pusat Pengelola Junal dan Publikasi) Lambung Mangkurat University.
- The 3rd Editor-in-Chief was Ns. Emmelia Astika F, M.Kep. (period 2017 to May 2019).
- Early June 2019 until September 2020, the Chief Editor was held by Ns. Ichsan Rizany, M.Kep.
- Starting in June 2019, this journal use the OJS mechanism optimally and has accreditated by SINTA with SINTA Score 3.
- In December 2019, Dunia keperawatan will underwent a change in author guidlines and template which will take effect on the March issue of 2020. For the 2019 issue, it use the old template (template before 2020).
- In 2020, Dunia keperawatan added several section editors and reviewers.
- In 2020, Dunia keperawatan publishes 3 (three) editions every year, namely March, July and November.
- March 2022, we has been moved to our new web URL http://jdk.ulm.ac.id/index.php/jdk/index for optimally the journal system (OJS 3).
- In 2023, Dunia Keperawatan is prepared to become a reputable International Journal, so we involve international reviewer to review the manuscripts.